
Our Impact Begins with You!
Your support is making a difference! It provides programs that get inner-city youth fired up to learn tennis and academics at the same time; it provides scholarships to promising juniors so they can pursue their tennis dreams; and it supports signature tennis tournaments that inspire viewers and increase the enjoyment of the game.

With support from fans like you, tennis is flourishing all across Southern California. People who would never have had a chance to play tennis are playing. You can break down barriers to transform tennis into a sport that is accessible and inclusive of all people, regardless of age, ability, ethnicity, or economic background.

We’re committed to changing lives and building communities. To do this, we remain steadfast in our objective to make a significant impact on the sport of tennis as we focus on underserved populations so more people can enjoy the love of the game and all its benefits for the rest of their life.

Thank you for being a fan!

Areas of Impact

Underserved Communities

We believe tennis is naturally an “inclusive” sport and everyone should have access to playing and learning tennis. This is why we make a concerted effort to fund programs in low-income and underserved communities. These programs give people of all ages, especially youth, the opportunity to take up and play tennis, and develop skills that will have a long-term impact on their education, careers, and lives.

  • We provide racquets, balls, nets, coaching, and instruction to those who need them most
  • We provide safe and positive learning environment
  • Tennis is a fun way to exercise, teaches sportsmanship, and develops a work ethic
  • Tennis teaches life skills: perseverance, discipline, ethical behavior, patience, and resiliency
  • Tennis develops emotional competence, communication skills, and mental toughness
  • Tennis players make lots of new friends

Youth Education and Tennis (NJTL)
The future of tennis is our youth. Compared to non-athletes, youth who participate in tennis get better grades, devote more hours to studying, are more likely to think about their future, and aspire to attend and graduate from college. This is why we’re proud to support programs like the NJTL (National Junior Tennis and Learning), which provide fun and rich learning environments for underserved and at-risk youth that combine academic and tennis skills to produce values and knowledge that children will use throughout their lives.

  • STEM, reading, writing, coding, and communication skills
  • College, vocational, and career preparation
  • Health, wellness, and nutrition education
  • History, arts, and humanities
  • Life skills: perseverance, discipline, ethical behavior, patience, and resiliency
  • Development of tennis skills, using coaches and mentors

Scholarships for Promising Junior Players
We provide scholarships to promising junior players who have big goals and aspirations for their tennis careers. Some junior players have incredible talent and enormous potential but their families lack the money needed to pay for their tennis related expenses. Our scholarships level the playing field (court) and give talented players from low-income families the support they need to travel and compete with juniors from affluent families.

  • Travel and equipment expenses
  • Camps and coaching
  • Specialized fitness and mental training
  • Strategy and tactical advice
  • Competitive play with peers, tournament preparation

People with Disabilities
Whether a person was born with Down syndrome, autism, or lost their legs in an motorcycle accident, we believe everyone can play and enjoy tennis regardless of ability. We proudly support wheelchair tennis programs, leagues, and events, and buy adaptive sports equipment to ensure people with all types of disabilities can learn and enjoy the game.

  • We provide access to adaptive tennis equipment
  • Players develop Improved perceptions of their disabilities
  • Players develop independence and self-confidence
  • We bring together communities of like-minded enthusiasts
  • We provide tournament and event support

As seniors age, they often become less active and more isolated. Tennis provides opportunities for seniors to get out of their homes, meet others, and maintain their physical strength, emotional stability, and mental acuity. The game is a lifelong sport and we happily support programs, leagues, and events that get seniors out of their homes and onto the court as much as possible.

  • Develops increased aerobic capacity and improved bone density
  • Develops increased flexibility, strength, and coordination
  • Lowers blood pressure, stress, resting heart rate, and helps seniors cope with depression
  • Senior tennis players make new friends and see old ones
  • Creates a sense of belonging and independence

Our veterans served and sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy and for the freedoms others hope to have. Many veterans have returned from war with debilitating mental, emotional, and physical wounds. We feel strongly that it’s now our turn to “serve” them which is why we proudly support organizations that provide tennis-based rehabilitation programs, clinics, and camps for veterans and wounded, ill, and injured servicemembers.

  • Provides therapeutic rehabilitation (physical, cognitive)
  • Improves psychological fitness and helps reduce stress
  • Encourages social interaction and helps veterans develop new friendships
  • Improves community reintegration
  • Builds self-confidence, self-esteem, independence

Tournaments and Events
We fund a variety of tennis tournaments and tennis related events that showcase the sport’s top players. These events motivate viewers who play tennis to improve their game and encourage new players to take up the game. These events also generate awareness and enthusiasm for the sport and fuel the popularity of the sport. Success in tournaments for junior players can lead to college scholarships and productive careers.

  • We make it possible to bring national junior tournaments to Southern California
  • We support Junior Sectionals and many other quality events in our section
  • Successful tournament players are awarded college scholarships
  • Tournaments are the source of future champions
  • Success in tournaments can lead to a career in the tennis industry
  • Tournaments promote the sport

Smart Giving!

100% of Your Support
Goes to Programs and Scholarships.

Smart Giving!

100% of Your Support
Goes to Programs and Scholarships.